Monday, June 18, 2012

Helpful Husband and Hospital Horrors

Ack! I've been neglectful of this blog, but I have excuses. My MG/YA novel is due to be released tomorrow. I've been busily trying to promote it, and fellow writers, and that takes up a huge amount of my computer time. I've also had my granddaughter in swim classes and it's hard to take her back to the sitter when she wants to come home with me. Add to that a UTI that is killing my back, and I feel justified in running late.

But now I must get to it. We're all the way up to the letter H already, and I finally came up with something for it. Some of you may be able to empathize with what I'm about to say, but hopefully most of you will not even believe some of the horror. It's all true, sadly. 

The helpful husband part isn't sad, so much, as a learning experience for me and my spouse. My husband is one of the most kind-hearted souls I've ever had the pleasure to know. He is a constant blessing, and I shudder to think what life might be like without him. He has stood by me through, hopefully, the worst, and has showered me with love and affection and more useless gifts than I could ever dream of. But there was a time in my life when I didn't fully appreciate his generosity. Hard to believe, but true.

When RA begins attacking your body, and rearranging your parts into awkward angles and makes your hands look more like fish flippers than human appendages, you begin to doubt your self-worth. Add in the pain, fatigue, new found limitations, and did I mention pain? You begin to feel, and possibly wish, that the world might have been a better place without you.

Now add a spouse into the mix that can't bear to see you hurting. He can't bear to see you struggle with simple, everyday chores like brushing your hair or dressing your child, and everything begins to multiply. He begins 'helping' you by doing many of your chores for you. I say they are your chores, simply because they are so often the little tasks that wives and mothers allot to themselves. Perhaps it's just something I learned from my mother, but running the household and caring for the children was my job, even though I had a full-time job outside the home. Sure, my husband could help by washing dishes whenever he wanted to, or  occasionally preparing a meal. But that didn't mean he could touch the laundry, or dust the furniture. Or dress my child and prepare her for daycare.

Ha! Shame on me for believing I was dispensable. My husband not only proved he could be a soldier and defend our country, he had the audacity to prove he could do it and manage all of my jobs, besides. The house didn't fall apart because I was quickly becoming an invalid. It was thriving! It really ticked me off to see how effective he was, even though the cost was heavy to him.

I couldn't get past the feeling that he was making me feel useless, even though it wasn't him. RA may attack the joints, but it also attacks your thought processes. If not, I would never have been convinced that I could cut off my own arm that night - but that's another story.

Seeing my husband handle things so smoothly should have been reassuring to me, and it was in many ways, especially when all the hospitalizations came into play a short time later. But at the time I resented his effectiveness. I needed for him to need me, and I wasn't getting that. I told you he's amazing, didn't I?

Eventually I told my doctor that my husband was being a problem - shame on me, but I did. He misunderstood my meaning and told me he would have a talk with him if he couldn't understand how sick I was at the time. I quickly set him straight, and he decided he still needed to talk with him. So we all sat down together and discussed how I needed to have the opportunity to attempt doing things on my own, with the understanding that I would ask for help when, and if, needed. It's surprising how that changed my attitude. I still needed lots of help, but I was giving him permission to help me rather than having my freedom taken from me. Maybe that's one of the reasons he calls me a control freak, I don't know, but the system worked well for us.

As our time in Europe progressed, however, so did the RA. I was missing work pretty regularly, even though my office job was pretty easy and my co-workers and bosses very understanding. I began getting ill in other ways besides just the RA. Pneumonia. Kidney infections. Bronchitis. And I was so very, very tired.

Finally I ended up in the hospital - several times, in fact. Aside from the real illnesses, I just needed time to rest, go to physical therapy sessions, and take a break from the reality called life. I hated, hated, hated, being away from my family, but I was beyond putting up a fight.

Military hospitals may have changed since my last encounter with them, and I certainly hope so. I know some may not believe the tales I could tell, but they are absolute truth. 

I was fortunate to be on a ward most of my stays. I say fortunate, because the hospital is a boring, boring place if you aren't too sick to care or notice. I met some very nice ladies during my stays, and we were able to help and encourage each other. One of my roommates was in a full body cast due to a broken neck she received coming in on an ambulance run from the field. They were taking a patient in, but there was room for a few extra riders, and the women wanted a chance to shower. The run was at night, however, and they weren't allowed to use headlights. They were driving through woods, and when the ambulance driver didn't see the tree in time, this woman had been thrown through the windshield. She recovered, but it took a long time.

Another ward mate wasn't an enlisted soldier. She was a spouse, and had just delivered a baby prematurely due to some kind of accident. The baby was okay, but the mother was paralyzed from the waist down. I laid there in my bed and listened to this stupid doctor tell her that she was never going to walk again. That she could never care for her child. That she should never even consider having another child. I wanted to get up and hit him with something heavy and sharp! When he finally shut up and left, the three of us gathered around her and told her what we thought of him and his negative ideas, and that she could do everything she needed to do for her child. I was terribly upset about his methods, whether he could have been even remotely correct, it was still wrong.

Then there is the story of New York. I never did learn the boy's real name, but that's what they called him on the night shift. The night shift was a special breed. They would come to our doorways and shine their flashlights into our faces until the light woke us up. Then when we moved away, they would shut the light off. I asked one of the nurses why they did that? She said it saved them the time and trouble of coming into the room and checking on each patient. If we moved, then they knew we were still alive. HELLO? What's wrong with that picture?

Anyway, I digress. I met New York one night while we were playing cards at the nurse's station. That was one of the perks of being ambulatory and not sick enough to be without function. While we sat there, a very, very tall young man walked down the hall toward us. He was wearing one of those halo things on his head. Everyone smiled and said hello to him and he responded in kind before moving on down the hall. 

I asked why they called him New York. Well, that should have been obvious, but I mostly just wanted to know more about him and why he had that weird contraption on his head. I had never actually seen one before. 

They told me his story. He had been hurt in some kind of accident - probably on an ambulance run, is my thought - and insisted he couldn't move his neck. The doctors had taken x-rays, but couldn't find anything wrong with his neck. But he kept insisting it hurt really badly and he couldn't move it. So they put him on light duty for a few days. They figured he was simply faking it and that he'd come around in a day or two.

So some wiseguy had decided that New York was definitely faking it, and he was going to prove it. This was after they sent him back to his unit on restricted duty. They set up a basketball game, with the idea that eventually someone would throw the ball directly at New York's head, and when he ducked out of the way, they would be able to prove he was faking the whole thing.

It didn't work out that way. When they threw the ball, it hit him - the man couldn't move quickly enough to avoid it. It knocked NY out cold. When he woke up he began screaming about how bad his neck was hurting. So the doctor asked to see the x-rays. Up until that point, they had done everything based on the radiologist's reports of no damage. Turns out the radiologist was wrong, and NY's neck had been broken from the get-go.

That's enough for today. I hope you've never had an experience like New York, or the unfortunate woman who was told she could not function as a parent. I hope the world treats you kindly, and that you have the strength and the ability to repay in kind.



Tuesday, June 5, 2012


It’s very strange and remarkable how the human brain works. And although my brain isn’t all that remarkable in and of itself, the impact that a diagnosis had on it amazes me still today
For several years I had been experiencing vague symptoms that no one could figure out. Once the culprit was pinpointed, however, the disease reared its hideous head and attacked in full force. To say that it staggered me is a pitiful understatement. It was more like something picked me up and slammed me into a wall of bricks.

Our apartment in Germany was floored with some type of tile material. It had a slight give to it, but it could never be described as cushioned. I invested in several large room-sized rugs, but the long hallway separating the master bedroom to the bathroom remained mostly bare.

Within a few weeks of the tentative diagnosis of RA (several of my blood chemistry tests indicated a possibility of Lupus); I was barely able to walk without shoes. It felt like someone had slipped golf balls under the skin of my feet, where my metatarsal bones had previously resided. The pain was horrible, but I think the surprise was even worse. I would arise every morning and “ouch!” and “oof!” my way to the bathroom, bent nearly double and holding on to the wall the entire trip.

To say it was painful is a laugh. And I did laugh, but only in an effort to keep from crying. If you want a good idea of what it was like, fill your tennis shoes with marbles and run around the block a couple of times. Or have a major league player use your feet for batting practice and then try walking. Either way, you should get some idea of that which I speak. Mind numbing pain. But as bad as it was, other things were happening within my body that could draw my attention away from it.

The doctors had tried starting me out on massive doses of coated aspirin. There were a number of other drugs, too. It’s been so long ago, I can’t recall, but I know I was taking handfuls of pills several times a day. The ecotrin may have helped some, but I mostly remember constant tinnitus and bouts of blacking out upon standing.

Within a few short months I began seeing a Rheumatologist, and he immediately started me on gold shots. There were two choices at that time; solganol, or myochrysine. Solganol was a thick, viscous, dull yellow fluid that was supposed to slowly make its way through the body. Of course, it didn’t work that way with me. Doc would stab the needle into my backside, and immediately my mouth tasted like I was sucking on pennies. He couldn’t understand it. Nor could he understand it when I began having side effects that had only been reported in users of myochrysine. That was the first time I heard the phrase, “You’re not the typical patient.” It’s happened many, many times since then. I wonder if all rheumatoid patients are atypical.

I don’t know if the gold was effective in any way, because the pain and swelling continued to increase. For the first time in my life I began to be plagued with constant fear of someone assaulting me. Possibly it was side-effects from the drugs, I don’t know. But I would hobble down the sidewalk and think, “What if someone decided to mug me? What if they knocked me down? It would hurt soooo very bad. And I don’t know if I could get back up again.”

I know that’s absolutely weird! But that’s how my mind was malfunctioning at the time. Most of my joints were screaming in pain already. I was just trying to keep most of the noise inside. But my elbows didn’t want to straighten out. My fingers could barely manage the keyboard (and I desperately needed to keep my job!) Walking was becoming a feat of epic proportions. And picking up my child brought tears to my eyes.

Aside from feelings of frustration and humiliation (have you ever had to ask your husband to help you brush your teeth, or help you up from the toilet?) I was angry. I was so very angry at God for making me go through this trial. And I don’t handle anger very well, especially when it’s directed at someone who has never failed me.

So now I have added shame to my list. And more fear. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to move if things continued as they were. The doctor warned me that if we didn’t get the disease under control, I would end up in a wheelchair in a few short years. I was thinking more in terms of months, and a few times I was looking forward to it. It would cut down on the pain of walking, at least.

But I mostly feared my anger. I’m an emotionally driven person, so whatever I feel, I do it with gusto. This level of anger was something totally alien to me. And I didn’t want to be angry with God. He might decide to zap me with a lightning bolt out of heaven. That thought had merit at times. Just put me out of my misery, please!

Of course, He didn’t. He got me through the anger. Well, different drugs had a big role in that, too. But it would be years later before that happened.

I truly don’t want to stop on a negative thought. Suffice it to say that it’s been a long journey, and now I hope that it lasts for many years to come. There is so much in my life to be thankful for, and in a very strange, twisted way, RA has played an important, but unwelcome, part in all of it.

I hope your week is blessed. I hope I will be able to return for another episode next week. We’re all the way up to the letter H. I have no clue what that’s going to be about.
